Frequently Asked Questions

Your messages and questions are important to us, however as we receive  a lot of them daily, we’re not able to answer everyone quickly. The purpose of this page is thus to provide information to understand how to deal with GOTH-3Designs. So if you have questions, take some time to read the answers below:


Contact – I sent a message but didn’t get an answer, what’s going on?

We receive a lot of questions daily, unfortunately it is not humanely possible to answer all of them quickly. Also, while each of your questions are important to us, priority is given to design work as there is a lot to deliver. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Meanwhile, read this FAQ entirely as your answer might already be there.

For general inquiries, please contact us to this email here.
For support regarding an order on The Kyber Temple, we have a dedicated email address, for faster answer. We do not answer to PM on our personal Facebook profiles, and we have low time available to follow our FB or Insta Pages inbox.

Shop – What do you sell?

We mainly sell Lightsaber and Props. They are high end collectibles that are made to order and tailored to the customer needs.
We also sell DIY Kits for those who wish to build their prop themselves.

In 2024 we’ve opened a new online shop: The Kyber Temple

Stay tuned to our social as we always evolve and propose new stuff!

Shop – Do you sell STL files for your designs?

Yes, we call them PIY (Print It Yourself) files. They are available on our shop The Kyber Temple

Looking for something in particular, don’t hesitate to send an email from our contact page.

Design – Will you create a Master Chassis for “this” saber?

If it is a popular saber and a quality product (usually made with good accuracy, and easy to install), then yes, it is very likely that we will work on it.

As we mainly focus on high end collectible, please note that we don’t work for low end manufacturers that favor quantity over quality.

DIY – “These designs are no longer supported”, meaning?

We have done a lot of chassis designs over the years, many being for specific hilts that are no longer produced and available. These old chassis design were also all done with the tech available at the time.

We thus consider these chassis as legacy. And while everything is still available on Shapeways or the Saber Armory; “These parts are no longer supported” means that there will be no further update on these chassis or adaptation to fit new soundboards or new tech.

An important point to keep in mind is the year the chassis as been designed. Some hilts are being manufactured in waves over the years, and some changes could have occured during the manufacturing process. Unfortunately we have no way to know these changes (unless the hilt manufacturer warns us about them). So we can’t garantee a chassis would be compatible with a newer version of the same hilt from the same manufacturer and will not be able to offer support on them.
Another important point is that the electronic components available at the time may have evolved or simply no longer available.

The reason for no longer supporting old chassis is simple, there is sadly no time available to follow up and update them, as new props have always the priority.

Commissions – Do you take any custom Master Chassis design?

We usually don’t, as our planning is most often overbooked already.

We can make exception, for example, create a custom design if a minimum order is agreed before hand (usually 15 Master Chassis).

Install – What are the tool required for this hobby?

You’ll find a minimum requirement tools list on the tutorial page.
You can also take a look at our YouTube channel for DIY Timelapse videos showing the full building process.

Install – How do I install “this” specific/custom chassis into my saber?

Our most complex chassis and crystal chamber assemblies usually come in various parts. These parts are listed in the chassis page, alongside a link to DIY Instructions. We usually don’t post instructions for simple chassis (like ECO Chassis.DIY Instructions are quite time consuming to create, and could be posted after the chassis is made available. We thank you for your patience!

Shop – The Kyber Temple – Any questions about our shop?

Please take a moment to read our Terms and Conditions!
Everything about shipping, order cancelation, etc is described there.
If you don’t find you answer, please use the contact page.